Monday, October 14, 2013

Making more Plans

I have been talking about how things don't always work out the way they are planned. As you know this year definitely did not go as planned for me and my family. All that is now behind us. Now what do we do? Do we give up and just hide out from here on? Well some people may do that, but I am not one of them.
So how do I move forward? I start by seeking God's will. Most of us usually know what we think we should do, but we have to make sure it is God's will. How do I do that? I pray and read the Bible to look for answers. God answers prayers. He may not answer them as quick as we like sometime, but he will answer them. The second thing I do is talk to my wife. If I think go and she thinks no go, there must be a reason. We make sure we both agree on what we are going to do.
Okay now that we believe God and us are on the same page we move forward.
What if we are wrong? Can that happen? Yes it can, because sometimes we want something bad enough we don't listen to God real good. Does that mean we will crash and burn? Not necessarily. God has it in control and if we are wrong, he will point it out and you will know. It is just a matter of listening.

Here is what God told the Isrealites:
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 29:11 (NIV2011)
Do you think we can apply this verse to us? I think if we are living for God we can. If we are living like we want? Probably not so much.

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About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.