Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It is almost Christmas. A lot of you are busy with Christmas shopping and all the things that go along with it. There are many people doing this. It is all about celebrating Christmas.
But what are you celebrating? The Holiday? The presents? The family get together? I don't know what it is you are celebrating.
However I do know what I am celebrating. I am celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of the one and only person that was able to come to this earth and pay the price for our sins. Because of this we can be forgiven for our sins and some day spent eternity with him.
He paid the price by being crucified and dying on a cross like a common criminal and then was buried. But it does not end there. Three days later he rose from the dead and then went to heaven to prepare a place for us. Who is the "us"? Did he die for everyone's sins? A lot of people say that he did. But if you think about it, that can't true. If he did die for everyone, everyone would be forgiven and someday go to heaven. So if that's not true, who did he die for? HE DIED FOR EVERYONE THAT IS WILLING TO RECEIVE HIM AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR. This is a free gift. You don't work for it or do anything for it. All you do is accept him. Where do you stand?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

End of the season

Well as always it has been a while since I have posted anything. This has been an awesome year and the MX season has almost come to an end. The turnout has definitely went way down from past years due to the economy.
I hope things get better for everyone to allow the turn outs to get bigger again. This weekend will be the last State Race for this year at Legends in Half Way MO. I can't wait. Practice on Saturday, Church Sunday AM and then the races.
God has been good to us and has enabled us to make all the races again this year. I wasn't sure how we would do this year.
For anyone that has helped support our Ministry throughout this year a big Thank You and we pray God blesses you.
See ya soon.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Does God still heal people?

This is a subject that keeps coming up in our Bible study. One side says: God heals whom he chooses to heal. We can get sick because we are in a world where people get sick and sometimes God will heal us miraculously other times he does not . The other side says: Yes you can get sick, but God wants to heal all and the only reason you don't get healed is because of lack of faith.
I am not sure on what side you stand, but I do know where I stand. I know that God can heal everyone. I know there are scriptures in the Bible that mention sick people without mention of them being healed. There are many scriptures in the Bible that talk about people being healed. So do all get healed? NO.
Is it because of lack of faith? Could be. Is it because God in his sovereignty chose not to heal them for what ever reason? Could be. I believe that God guarantees us spiritual healing in the Bible, I do not believe he guarantees us physical healing here on this earth.
To tell a genuine believer that is trying to serve God with all his heart that he does not have enough faith to be healed I believe is cruel. It can destroy that individual.
Should we have more faith in God and trust in his healing touch? Yes. I think we do miss out many times.
But I also know that faith is a gift from God and it is nothing we can conger up. So as the Bible says, let us ask for more faith and God will give it to us as he sees fit. Then we can stand ready to receive it, be it more faith to trust in healing or whatever God has in store.
And if we do not see a healing, lets trust God that he knows what he is doing and lets not beat ourselves up over it.

Have faith in God, don't have faith in your faith.

God bless you.

P.S. If you want to discuss this feel free to let me know.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Racing Season

As I was updating my web site last weekend I was entering the dates of this years MO MX State Races. I started thinking whether I was ready for the new season or what I needed to do to get prepared for it. Of course there are still numerous items that I have not taken care of to get ready. But I know I will make sure that I am ready as always.
This made me think of another season. When looking at the world around us it sure seams that the season when Jesus will return is really getting close. Of course I don't know this for sure, but it appears that way. So my question is this: Am I ready for that season? I am in no way perfect, but I do know that because of the price Jesus paid, I can look forward to his coming. I am forgiven.
Are you ready for that season? Only you know the answer to this.
If you are not, are you okay with it? Or do you think it be a good idea to get ready? Only you can answer that question...........
I know God loves you and hopes you will get ready.

About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.