Sunday, November 23, 2014

Good Intentions

Here we are again, my last post was about two month ago. I always have good intentions to write more, but it just doesn't seem to happen. Have you ever been there? Good intentions just don't get it done. Now on something like this it is not really that big a deal. It is not a have to situation. But what about when it comes to important things? How many things do you have good intentions to accomplish and it just never seems to happen? I could make a list of things that get talked about but just never seem to get done. Are you like that? I think we all are in some areas of our life's. It is very hard to get past that, especially if it is something we don't like to do. So what do we do? I think we need to sit down and make a list and priorities. On things that have to get done that we are procrastinating we need to enlist help. Ask someone that can help us get motivated to give us a push (not to nag us - LOL). I listen to a gentleman named DR Randy Carlson. He has a Radio Show called Intentional Living. His suggestion is that when you get up in the morning you pick one thing that you will be intentional about today. Then you work on that one item. From there you move on. You can't fix it all in one day, you take just a little at a time.
Whatever way you choose to try to get better, it takes an effort, it will not fix itself. My prayers are that you can succeed and do better.

About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.