Sunday, December 9, 2012


With Christmas right around the corner we are starting to see the things that go along with Christmas. We are starting to see the Christmas adds on TV again. We are seeing a lot of Santa Claus movies. A lot of people are decorating there houses with Christmas lights. This is all stuff we are used to seeing around Christmas time and it is okay. However there is a trend that seems to be getting stronger every year. The real reason for Christmas seems to be getting pushed further and further out of the picture. What is the real reason for Christmas? It is the celebration of Jesus' birthday. All of us older people all know who he is, even those that don't believe in him. But what about the current generation? People are becoming more and more Bible iliterat. That is a scary trend. WHY ARE WE CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF JESUS? Jesus is the Son of God. He came to this earth as a person. He was born, grew up like we do and lived here just like we do. The only difference is that he lived a sin-free live. Something we are uncapable of doing. Then he allowed himself to be arrested and sentenced to death on a cross. The reason he did this is because someone had to pay for the sins that we committ. Because of him being the only one perfect, he was the the only one that could pay the price for our sins. But it did not end there. Three days later he rose and after showing himself to his disciples, went to heaven to be with God the Father. What else did he do? Before he left he promised that those of us that put our Faith in him and believe in him will get to spend eternity with him. So what are we celebrating? We are celebrating the greatest gift of all. Without his birth there could be no Resurrection. Without the Resurrection we wouldn't have a guaranteed future. SPREAD THE WORD! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The year is almost over!

Well it seems like the year just started and we are already three quarter of the way thru it (almost). When you are a kid people tell you that time goes faster when you get older. Well I am not old (compared to some people) but time is sure starting to speed up. So what do you do? Do you started slowing down to try to enjoy life more or do you keep on with the hectic pace that most of us have learned to go? Well myself, I would like to slow down a little and as they say, take time to smell the roses. It is pretty easy to focus on the negative parts of our life instead of the positive part. When we do that, we probably start looking forward to Jesus coming back or us going to see him. That is definitely good, but I for one still have some things I would like to see happen. For one I still have some friends that I would like to see come to know Jesus. I may just be the person that they will listen to. It is not my job to save them, God does that, but it is my job to spread the message. So to make things here a little more enjoyable, lets focus on the positive. That makes life a lot better. Second lets help others and spread the message while we are at it. There are not many things that will lift your spirit more then the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone. So between taking time to smell the roses, focusing on the good instead of the bad and taking a little time to help others, it may just not be all the horrible to be here for a few more years. Thank you God for all your blessings.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How is the year going?

As always the year is going by quickly. How is yours going? If you are like most of us the bad economy has probably cramped your activities some. I know it has ours. But we are still having fun. When times are like this it is important that our walk with God is where it should be. We can rely on him to see us through these tough seasons. I am sure you have heard people say God will meet your needs. He sure has taken care of us and when I look back, sometimes it is not very clear as to how we made it. When it gets like that I don't have to try to figure it out, because I know who was taking care of us. We don't deserve God's help but thanks to what Jesus did for us God is there to see us through. Trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you can not go wrong.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Will you be there?

It is almost time for the Missouri State Motocross Championship Series. Just like in the past few years it is our plan to be there to provide Sunday Morning Worship Service for those that want to participate. Round 1 will be in Moberly at HLR on 4/22. I sure hope to see you there. A little food for thought: You know exactly when and where this will be. You know how to prepare for it. You know what to bring and what not to bring. You know what time to leave your house to be there in time and you have a reasonable idea when you are going to be back home Sunday night. That is pretty cool. Now there is another event you have heard me talk about. This is the event when Jesus is going to come back for those of us who believe in him. Then there is also the event when the people that don't believe in Jesus will loose there chance to change there mind about what they want to believe. That is also pretty cool if you are in group 1. But what about if you are in group 2? If you are 100% sure you are right, then I guess it doesn't matter. But what if you are not sure? What if you have been ignoring that feeling that there is more? Or that somebody is calling you? It is dangerous to ignore this and to keep saying I will do it tomorrow. I sure hope you decide to become part of group 1. Don't wait until it is too late. The Bible says: "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matt 25:13 (NIV). I don't want to scare you, but it is risky business. This is not as simple as you win or loose a Motocross race, or you miss the MX event all together. This has eternal consequences, so it is important that you do what needs to be done.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mild Winter

This has been probably one of the mildest Winters that I can remember. I like it. It was or I guess is, its not quite over, a good Winter for staying in practice riding MX. Staying in practice is going to really help when racing season gets on the way soon. The same way that helps, we also need to stay in touch with God. If you are a Christian and you don't practice what you are, your walk with Jesus is not going to be very smooth. Trouble seems to follow us around and keep us beat down. But if we "practice" our walk with Jesus, things will go a lot better. As the weather continues to get warmer and Spring is right around the corner, don't forgot about your walk with Jesus.

About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.