Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why would you need a Savior?

If we have established that God is real and that the Bible is the word of God, we can move forward.

Why do you need a savior? To know this lets start at the beginning.

God created the heaven and the earth. He also created everything in it such as the plant life and the animals. One of his greatest creations was man. The difference between man and the animals is that animals do everything by instinct. Man on the other hand has free will and is able to think and reason.
God created a man and then not wanting him to be alone created a woman. He put them in the garden of Eden. They where to live there and and take care of it. The only restriction they had was that they could not eat from the tree in middle of the garden. This tree was called the tree of knowledge.
Now even back then the devil was around. I am sure you have heard of him. He was there in the garden in the form of a serpent. And just like today, he was up to know good. He approached Eve and convinced her to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge and she in turn gave some of the apple to Adam. How did he do that? He convinced her that God was keeping something good from them. Here is what he said: "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
The thing they did not look at is what God had said earlier: "You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die."
The devil is good at half truth. He was right in that they now would know the difference between good and evil, but he left out the part that they would now die.

But why does that make us need a savior? Let's go on.

Let's learn something about God. God is a perfect God that can not handle evil. The Bible says this about God: "Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong." We have to understand that doing wrong is evil.
Because of what Adam and Eve did, God kicked them out of the garden of Eden. Now they no longer just lived, now they where also going to die. They had brought evil and death on themselves and all their decendents. This includes us, because we are their decendents. This one act put a separation between us and God.

God did not want this. He wanted us to have a relationship with him and be in his presence. So how can this separation be removed? Well just like today when someone does wrong, it has to be made right. It is the same with God, if someone does wrong it has to be made right. So how can a major wrong like what Adam and Eve did be made right? It would take a perfect sacrifice.

Okay but why does that make it to where we need a savior? We didn't do what they did.

There are two reasons we will not need a savior. One, we don't want to have a relationship with God. Two, we can live a perfect life without ever doing wrong and because of this we get to have a relationship with God. Here in lies the problem. The first choice leads to eternal consequences that at some point we will regret, because it is eternal separation. The second, because of what Adam and Eve did we can not live perfect lives. Because we are their decendants, no matter how hard we try, it is now in our nature to do wrong.

So if you want to have a relationship with God, you need a Savior.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is God real?

Do you believe God is real? Let's establish that God is real. How do we do that?

We look at the evidence.

What evidence is there for the reality of God? If we look at the universe and nature, and if we look at it with an open mind, we will come to the conclusion that it is not an accident. I know a lot of people do not believe in creation. Let's just look how everything works and fits together and then try to imagine that all happened by accident. I think if we are honest with ourselves we will not be able to believe that.

If we look at the Bible, here is what it says: Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

So if we go by what the Bible says, there is no way that we will not know that there is a God. We know this by what he created.

So you say: That's just the Bible, how do I know it is true? We believe the Bible is the word of God and the writers as indicated in the Bible wrote under the inspiration of God. How did we come to that conclusion? Here are just a few reasons. The Bible was written over a spread of several thousand years. It was written by over forty different writers from all walks of live. None of them new they where writing anything for any such book and still all the books in the Bible fit together perfectly. There are a lot of prophecies in the Bible that have been fulfilled just between the Old and New Testament. The Bible is historically accurate. A lot of the New Testament was written by eye witnesses with much of it even backed up by non-christian writings. There are approximately 20,000 manuscripts that back up the New Testament of the Bible. The famous "Dead Sea Scrolls" support the Old Testament. These are just some of the reasons to believe the Bible.

Hopefully this helps you establish that there is a God. If it did we can move forward with what we talked about in the last post. If this didn't help you, feel free to ask more questions. We'll get into why we need a savior next time.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Passion for Jesus

Over the past seven years I have spent a lot of time at Motocross tracks. Over that time we have provided church services at some of the local tracks around Kansas City and for the Missouri Motocross Championship Series.
One of the things that has really come to my attention over these years, is the passion that people have for their sport and to what length they will go to make sure they can follow that dream.
The passion that I see at the track, is the passion I would like to see people have for Jesus. But how can that happen?
First they have to believe that there is a God. Once they believe that they have to believe they need a Savior. But why should they? I'll try to explain as we go along.

About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.