Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow is not one of my favorite things

I am in Chicago today and it is snowing. Typical Winter storm. As I was driving along I was thinking (yes I do that at times), snow can really mess with your plans. For that matter, it can completely make you turn your entire schedule around. This has been a very mild Winter and we thought we were about through it. To our surprise the weather had other ideas. This is the 3rd snow storm I have been in in less then two weeks and yes it has turned my schedule around.
So what am I trying to say with all this? This is typically how things go, you never know for sure what is going to happen. In the same way we live our lives and if we are reasonably careful things go a long pretty smooth, just like our mild Winter we were just going through. Then without a warning something happens and everything gets turned upside down. All of a sudden we are scrambling to try to make it through what is coming at us. Well just like you deal with the snow, knowing it will go away, so are our other issues in our lives. They come and we deal with them and get through them. As my younger sister once told me, the Bible says "it came to pass" it did not come to stay. But even so knowing all that, there are times it is hard to make it through those times.
Over the last year, one of the things I have been working on is my trust in God. A lot of us talk about trusting God, but do we really do it? I used to say it, but a lot of times did not really do it. The thing I learned most this last year is that when you truly trust God you start seeing him work in your life like you have never seen before. So what is the point? Be it a snow storm or something bigger. Don't worry and live your faith. It truly does work. God has our best in mind.

About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.