Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where have you been?

It sure has been a while since I have been here. It seems we all have good intentions about what we want to do or what we feel we should do, but a lot of it just doesn't happen.
How do you do in that area? Not following thru with stuff usually can be because of several reasons. One: you over commit. Two: you procrastinate. Three: bad habit. Just to point out three, I am sure there are more reasons.
In my case it is over commitment. Simple things like keeping this blog. The intentions are good, but do I do it?
Well its been January since my last entry. Lets see how long it takes before I am on here the next time.

About Me

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I am happily married to a wife that supports me in everything I do. Motocross and Sportbikes are two of my favorite things to either watch or ride. What I love most of all is my relationship with Jesus. I provide Church Services at MX tracks.